Prevention Training Opportunities
DCAC is dedicated to creating communities in which children and families live free from abuse and neglect and are free to reach their full potential. A key component to preventing and responding to child abuse and neglect is education. We offer multiple training opportunities for the community. These opportunities provide your organization with the tools needed to help prevent child abuse and be adequately prepared if a situation were to arise.
Child Prevention Training Opportunities Include:
1.) Be Safe with Moss and Violet*
A psycho-educational group teaching body safety and proper boundaries to children ages 3-8. Children will be taught the names for private parts, about “ok” and “not ok” touches, appropriate boundaries, & who to tell about getting a “not ok” touch. **Parent permission required**
2.) Teen Safety Matters- Monique Burr Foundation
Relevant safety topic for youth grades 6-12, including digital/cyber safety.
3.) Child Safety Matters- Monique Burr Foundation
Relevant safety topic for youth grades K-5, including digital/cyber safety.
4.) Teen Self-care: Finding Your Hack to Relax
Self-care and stress management coping skills specific to teens.
5.) Not A Number – Love146’s Child Trafficking and Exploitation Prevention Curriculum
Not a Number is an interactive child trafficking and exploitation prevention curriculum designed to provide youth with information and skills in a manner that inspires them to make safe choices. Youth learn to identify and utilize healthy support systems that may decrease their vulnerabilities.
6.) NetSmartz: Online Safety
A comprehensive internet safety program developed by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Can be tailored for any age K-12.
Adult Prevention Training Opportunities Include:
1.) Preventing & Responding to Child Abuse
Recognizing signs of abuse/neglect, how to adhere to the mandated reporting laws, and respond to a child’s disclosure.
2.) The CAC’s Response to Child Abuse
The CAC’s role in the investigation, prosecution, & treatment of child abuse & neglect. DCAC’s services.
3.) Children’s Trust of SC – Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
Understanding ACEs, preventing & addressing the largest public health issue, building self-healing communities.
4.) Darkness to Light – Stewards of Children
Child sexual abuse prevention training for adults.
5.) On the Other Side of Stress
Understanding the stress response cycle and how to return to relaxation with evidence-based coping strategies.
6.) Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) 101
Defining, identifying, and responding to the sexual exploitation of minors.
7.) Problematic Sexual Behaviors (PSB)
Defining problematic sexual behaviors, learning about sexual development, and identifying protective/risk factors of PSB.
8.) Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse in Faith Communities
How to recognize, respond, and prevent child abuse in faith communities.
9.) Internet Safety: Parent’s, Guardians, & Community
Comprehensive internet safety program developed by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Understand what kids are doing online and keep them safe from digital dangers.
10.) Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse in a Daycare Setting
How to recognize, respond, and prevent abuse. Training for daycare staff.
*If you have a specific topic that you would like us to cover that you don’t see on this list, please contact so we can discuss how to best meet your needs.